I recently traveled with the Stuller crew to visit customers at the Instore Chicago SMART show. Before traveling, I reviewed my flight itinerary on the mobile app my airline provides. The very first screen alerted me that my status was not platinum level; I was merely gold (thanks for the reminder, American). With the increased promotion of points, perks, and programs from companies trying to win us over, marketing firms often pick the word platinum to convey how loyal we are to a company. The designation platinum customer has a nice ring to it, and often, that platinum-level loyalty comes with freebies and special treatment. Perhaps this is why King Louis XVI of France declared that it was the only metal fit for kings. 

 If your platinum sales aren’t where they should be, it’s because your customers don’t appreciate the metal’s regal qualities. As a salesperson, you should be taking every opportunity to explain the benefits of platinum and, more importantly, tapping into the emotions that those benefits evoke.

 And there’s no better place to improve platinum sales than in bridal. We all know that today, especially, brides prefer white metals. So how do you explain to your customers why platinum is the way to go? Platinum Guild International has created a handy little acronym, PREFERS, that can help you articulate just how meaningful platinum can be to the new happy couple.

 P – Pure. Platinum is pure metal, just like their intention of marriage.

R – Rare. Platinum is 30 times more rare than gold, as rare as the love they feel.

E – Enduring. Platinum is more malleable than gold and displaces when scratched. What better symbol of their enduring commitment than that?

F – Fees significant. Platinum weighs more and therefore feels sturdier than gold.

E – Emotional in its status level.

R – Real white. No need to rhodium plate this metal.

S – Securely holds stones in place

This is only one technique to help you sell more platinum. Check out all the benefits of platinum at www.stuller.com/platinumbenefits. To learn more about platinum, visit Platinum Guild International.

 How do you sell platinum in your store? Share any tips that you picked up along the way in the comments section.