Imagine this scenario: You’re in the middle of an intricate repair, and you have orders stacked up with more coming in each day. Rings need sizing. Prongs need re-tipping. Chains need fixing — the list goes on. There you are working at your Coherent®-Rofin or Orotig laser welder, whipping through one job after another, when it starts to make a funny noise and stops altogether.
You try a few troubleshooting tips and then reach out to Stuller’s Tool Tech Team. Many times they walk you through the maintenance process, but what if that doesn't work? We’ve been thinking about this scenario for some time and looking for a new dimension to our laser repair services.

Then a special opportunity came along. In January 2018, Stuller acquired B&D Sales Corporation, a small laser company headquartered in Cranston, Rhode Island. In 1984, two forward-thinking jewelers — Henry Barney and Pat Doran —founded the company after seeing European lasers at a show and realizing the technology held groundbreaking potential for the jewelry industry. They built B&D’s reputation by combining laser sales with top-notch service up to and including coming to your business to perform the repair.
“We saw this as a win-win situation,” says Tammy Lail, Stuller’s Vice President of Tools and Supplies. “We wanted to offer our customers more laser options so they can find one that fits their budget and their needs. Orotig is an excellent brand that meshes well with Coherent®-Rofin. And B&D’s customer service played an important role in our decision. Whatever you need, they’ll take care of it so you can get your laser back in line.”
Laser service is a big deal and B&D is the only company in the country offering this level of service. As a Stuller customer, you’ll still call our Tools Tech Team first. Then if they can’t resolve your laser issue, they’ll connect you with B&D.
I spoke with Jack Makin, a long time B&D sales and service tech. “Laser welders have rapidly expanded in the industry because they accomplish higher quality work and repairs in less time,” Jack says. “Jewelers depend on them. So if your laser breaks down during a busy season, you find yourself in a real fix. That’s when our service is so important.”
B&D Sales services what they sell, and now this is available to Stuller customers for any OROTIG and SIRO Lasertec equipment you purchase.

Call B&D Sales’ technical staff at 401-781-4810, and they’ll help you diagnose and adjust your laser welder. If you need a part to fix your laser welder, they will ship you the item and walk you through the repair.
Join us at our headquarters in Lafayette, LA, for laser welder training. Here are three reasons why you’ll love it.
What does a laser welder do? How does it work? Which touch-screen settings do what? We’ll answer all your questions about laser welders.
You’ll learn the installation process, all of the parameters, how each setting works, and the relationship between different metals and metal types. We’ll walk you through the different safety operations and preventative maintenance.
Bring up to three actual jobs from your shop to work on. Learn using the types of jobs you do on a regular basis.
To register or learn more, visit
The Tools Tech Team experts are here for you. Give them a call at 1-800-877-7777 ext. 4300