How to Make Link Adjustments
Learn how to adjust your watch band quick and easily with this step-by-step guide.
Tools Needed:
Put the watch on
Place the watch on without adjusting it. You will need to note how big the watch is.
- If the watch is very loose, you will have to remove lots of links.
- If the watch is just slightly loose and you aren't in danger of it falling off, you might consider leaving it as is unless it is bothersome.
- If your watch is too small, you will have to buy extra links from the manufacturer to make the band larger.

Get Your Tools Assembled
There are several things you will need to adjust your watch band.
- You will need one or two push pins. You will use these to push the pins that hold the links together out of their holes.
- Get a pair of needle nosed pliers to help you remove the pins.
- You will need a small jewelry hammer.
- Make sure you are working on a flat surface with good lighting. You will need to collect any pins you remove from the band.

Locate the Arrows on the Inside of the Band
These pins often have arrows marking the way they should be removed from the band on the inside of the band.Be sure to leave about ½ centimeter (0.2 in) of space between the bottom of each removable link and the flat surface.
- Count up the number of links you will need to remove.
- Find the pin holding the last link in place.
- This is where you will remove the links.

Get Your Multi-Function Watch Tool
Place your watch band onto the platform of the multi-function watch tool (59-0807)
- Push the sharp end of the pushpin against the head of the link pin. If it doesn't give, use your jewelry hammer to force the head of the pushpin into the hole for the link pin.
- A small amount of the push pin should now be protruding from the other side of the link.
- Use the hammer to drive the push pin in further to get more of the link pin out.

Remove The Pin with the Pliers
You will have to pull forcefully to get the pin out.
- Once you have enough of the link pin out of the hole on the other side of the wrist band to grasp it with the pliers, you can use the pliers to get it out.
- Grasp the end of the pin tightly with the needle nose pliers and pull it out.
- The links you need from one side of the clasp should be removed now.
- You need to repeat the process for the other side of the wristband now.

Hammer Time
It should now fit without being too big or too small.
- If you have over-adjusted the watch, try adding a link to each side of the watch band.
- If you haven't taken enough links out, re-assess how many need to be removed for the watchband to be tight enough and comfortable.
- Wear the watch for a few days to make sure it’s comfortable.

Try On The Watch
It should now fit without being too big or too small.
- If you have over-adjusted the watch, try adding a link to each side of the watch band.
- If you haven't taken enough links out, re-assess how many need to be removed for the watchband to be tight enough and comfortable.
- Wear the watch for a few days to make sure it’s comfortable.

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