Our seventh annual March Bridal Madness design contest is underway, and we’re expecting more sparkle than ever this year.
If you want to enter for a chance at winning a $1,000 Stuller account credit and promotion across Stuller’s social media, we’ve made the process simpler than ever: between now and Friday, March 15, post your March Bridal Madness entries to the projects page on Benchjeweler.com.
“Like” Stuller on Facebook.
Upload an image (see “How to Enter”) of your best custom-designed engagement ring or wedding band.
The top three pictures with the most fan votes move on to final judging.
Fan voting will be held March 18–31. See official March Bridal Madness rules here
Watch the video below to see step-by-step how you can seamlessly submit your design.
Visit Stuller.com/benchjeweler/projects. Here, you’ll be able to share your work with others in the community. The posting process is quick and easy.
Start by selecting the + New Project button. Once inside the blank canvas, name your project in the box labeled Name Your Project.
Title is 2019 March Bridal Madness Contest, or something similar.
Use the open text box directly under your project name to add information about your custom engagement ring or wedding band design.
Share your inspiration, the materials you used, tips, and tricks for achieving the looks, and supplemental images for the project.
Add images by selecting the image tool located to the far right of the editing toolbar. Add as many images as necessary.
Once you’ve completed your project details, add tags to make finding your creation quick and easy. Then click Next.
On this screen, you’ll select and upload a cover image for your project. This is the image community members will see when browsing the top-level project page.
Rotate and resize the image as needed. Click Save once you’re finished, and you’re done.
You can edit or delete your projects at any time by clicking on these tools located in the top right-hand corner of your project posting.
You’ll see your project displayed in the first slot on the main project page.
Feel free to post as many projects as you’d like, but be sure to feature only one project in each post.
Go to Stuller.com/benchjeweler/projects to upload your designs, and keep an eye on Stuller’s Facebook page as March Bridal Madness marches on and design submissions roll in. Fan voting will be held March 18–31.
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