A Few Helpful Tips for Your Jewelry Store Spring Cleaning
Your bench is blooming with repairs. You’ve pollinated your cases with new stock. Your toolbox is bursting with new growth. You’re ready for busy-bee customers looking to freshen up their spring look.
While your customers are looking for new beginnings and fresh outfit additions, why not add some springtime shine to your store and bench?
Time to clean your jewelry store from top to bottom.
Thoroughly dust your store
Cobwebs are only appropriate at Halloween, and even then, not in your store. Buy an inexpensive ceiling broom and start from the center of the ceiling, working your way outward toward the corners. Now go down the walls in a continuous pattern, taking care not to miss a spot.
Wipe the ceilings, wipe the walls
Dilute one part vinegar with four parts distilled water and wipe the baseboards, chair rails, and any smudges on the paint. Do this the night before to give the vinegar smell time to evaporate.
Wipe the ceilings, wipe the walls
Dilute one part vinegar with four parts distilled water and wipe the baseboards, chair rails, and any smudges on the paint. Do this the night before to give the vinegar smell time to evaporate.
Freshen your fixtures
Now take the light fixtures off the lights and wash well with soapy water. Spritz with glass cleaner, dry thoroughly (don’t miss this step or subsequent cleanings will be gross), and reinstall. You’ll wonder how you ever worked in the dark so long. As an added bonus, your jewelry will shine as it should.
As we sweep winter out the door and cheer the arrival of spring, new beginnings blossom all around us. It’s the season of change, and what better way to make your bench feel fresh and spring-ready than by adding a new tool?
What are the top four esseentials all jeweleers, beginner or eexperet, should have in their shop? Below, we’ve freshly picked four new jewelers’ tools for springtime.