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International Inquiry Form

Stuller is North America’s largest supplier of fine jewelry, findings, mountings, tools, packaging, diamonds and gemstones for today’s retail jeweler. Stuller also supplies products to jewelers all around the world. If you are interested in setting up an account, simply register now or fill out the form below. Someone will contact you shortly.

Instructions: Thank you for your interest in becoming an International Stuller reseller/customer. Please take a moment to let us know how we can help.

Retailer (selling to the public)   Wholesaler (selling to retailers)

What Stuller Offers


We support you with the finest product available: bridal jewelry, wedding bands, fine jewelry, mountings, diamonds, gemstones, findings, metals, tools, packaging, and digital solutions.


To help you achieve your goals, we offer a complete range of services that includes diamond cutting, stone setting, diamond and gemstone special orders, custom imprinting, shop set up, and much more.


Whether you create designs in CAD or hand sketch them, need modifications to our existing designs, or want to purchase custom design technology, we can help you.


We’d love to meet you face to face, and events give us this opportunity. In addition to attending major trade shows, we host several important events. Consider attending one of these.

5/10/2024 Market Prices:
Gold 2372.45 Platinum 998.00 Silver 28.64