Orion Pulse Arc Welders  

Product Spotlight: Orion™ Arc Welders

Both the Orion™ 100c and 150s are getting a makeover.

Sunstone’s line of Orion pulse arc welders is preferred by master metalsmiths all over the world. Since 2009, jewelers have been making an Orion pulse arc welder part of their studios. Though Sunstone has made technology changes and improvements over the years, the company has refreshed the visual components only recently.

Sunstone Welder

What A Difference!

The Orion 100c and 150s now sport a portion of the company’s orange logo on the sides, giving the welder a bright, fresh look. The welders now look less industrial and more contemporary.

“Adding a bright color design to the outside of the box changes the feel of the welder,” says Jonathan Young, CEO of Sunstone Engineering. “Now, the 100c and 150s have more appeal than the previous versions. Every jeweler would rather have the sporty version on their workbench. We’ve given a few customers a sneak peek and received high marks. The Sunstone team is excited to debut this new look.”
Jonathan Young, CEO of Sunstone Engineering.

The makeover includes a refresh of the onboard software, allowing the operator to control all weld aspects digitally. They can now control anywhere from how much energy to deliver to how the energy is produced. Again, Sunstone fell back to its roots by using an orange background that contrasts nicely with the dark gray cover. As a result, the software jumps off the screen.

“Orange is very much an emotional color,” says Younge. “When you see vibrant orange, you’re immediately invigorated and inspired. And that’s what we want an Orion pulse arc welder to do: Inspire artists, engineers, and dental professionals to produce their best work.”

Sunstone Welder

The software changes are more than just cosmetic. The interface has also been changed, bringing the application up to date with the current best practices and trends. Customers should find the welders easier to lean and use than ever before.

Shop these arc welders now at Stuller.com/Orion.

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