New Tools Catalog  

Tools, Equipment, & Metals 2023-2024 promises to be a bench jeweler’s best resource.

When working on a future heirloom piece or someone’s everyday favorite, it’s not about finding any old tool that’ll work — it’s about finding the best tool for the job. From small hand tools and supplies you need to re-stock to game-changing and efficient equipment, you rely on the tools of the trade to get the job done every time. Stuller is proud to be a bench jeweler’s go-to choice for tools and supplies, and we make it easy to find that perfect tool in our latest catalog, Tools, Equipment, & Supplies 2023-2024

Each quality-made tool, piece of equipment, and metal selection featured in the new edition of Stuller’s tools catalog is thoroughly vetted by our team and is meant to support your craft. This 680+ page resource features hundreds of new products as well as established favorites you have come to depend on. 

Let’s take you through some improvements as well as show how you can win a Sunstone™ Orion™ 150s Pulse-Arc Welder or Stuller account credit! 

Five Things to Know 

While there is a lot to be excited about in the latest edition of this catalog, here are our top five major highlights to keep your eye on. 


Tools We Use

Throughout the catalog, we’ve marked the tools we love so much that we even use them in our own manufacturing processes. 

Tools We Use

Be on the lookout for this badge througout the catalog to find the Tools We Use


Replenishable Supplies

Burs, drills and beading tools, bags and envelopes, pliers, cutters, and shears are all supplies that need to be replaced regularly. Easily find these consumable materials in newly organized sections.


Comparison Charts and Instructional Diagrams

To help you make an informed buying decision, we’ve included detailed comparison charts and instructional diagrams that enhance the shopping experience. For example, head to page 235 for a diagram of gravers and pages 606-607 for a chart on handheld diamond testers.


Watch Bands

If you’re looking to expand your watch business, we’ve got you covered with watch band styles perfect for any occasion now featured in the Watch Tools and Supplies section.


Updated Metals Section

The metals section now features a new layout and buyer’s guides for each product type to help lead you to exactly what you’re looking for.

Browse New Products 

Bench Organization

Since our last edition, we’ve introduced new items to give you the best options available. From our revolutionary Stuller Bur™ to bench organizers by Nashef™ Designs made specifically for jewelers, our goal is to always provide you with daily solutions that make every job easier. Take a look at our full selection of new products and make the next ground-breaking investment for your business. 

Shop New Tools

Bench Jeweler Training 

Not only can you find that perfect tool with Stuller, but you can also get trained on how to use it. Stuller offers training in laser welding, stone setting, diamond and gemstone testing and screening, and our jewelry design software — MatrixGold® and CounterSketch®. Enjoy a guided, hands-on experience taught by industry professionals as well as the hospitality South Louisiana is known for. 

Learn More About Training

Enter to Win the #FixMyBench Contest 

Fix My Bench

We are excited to announce the return of the #FixMyBench contest! This is your chance to get the bench upgrade you’ve been wanting. Three lucky winners will receive a Sunstone Orion 150s Pulse-Arc Welder, a $750 Stuller account credit, or a $250 account credit to spruce up your bench. 

Prizes will be awarded randomly to Stuller customers who follow these rules: 

1. Go to while logged into your account, agreeing to abide by the official contest rules

From January 16, 2023, through February 17, 2023, create a wish list using our new catalog Tools, Equipment, & Metals 2023-2024 including item numbers AND the accompanying catalog page numbers. Post a photo of your jeweler’s bench AND your wish list to us in the Projects tab of (can be found at the top of the homepage, or by clicking here) in order to enter.

2. On February 24, 2023, we will randomly select three account holders who have posted a photo or video and wish list to win the above prizes. Your Stuller account must be in good standing to be selected. We will then notify the winners via email or phone call. On February 27, 2023, we’ll announce the winners on our various social media channels. 

Get the Job Done Right 

Using the right tools can mean a huge difference when it comes to the quality of the job and efficiency when completing it. With Stuller, you have every option available to you when it comes to tools and materials to create something you can be proud of. Continue to provide your customers with the piece of their dreams made by an expert artisan working with the right tools that get the job done. 

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