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Lafayette, LA (20 December 2011) – Stuller is honored to announce its renewal as a Diamond Trading Company (DTC) Sightholder for the 2012-2015 contract period. The company originally became a Sightholder in 2005.“This elite status not only reaffirms our commitment to excellence, but also allows us to offer enhanced consistency, reliability in supply, and assurance in the authenticity and integrity of diamonds to our customers,” says Stanley Zale, Vice President of Diamonds and Gemstones. “It also signifies our continued compliance with the De Beers Diamond Best Practice Principles and our dedication to socially and environmentally responsible operations.”

Stuller, Inc. is headquartered in Lafayette, LA and was founded by Matthew Stuller in 1970. The DTC Sightholder has nine operations located on three continents around the world, and provides a wide range of goods and services for jewelry professionals. Stuller’s core product categories include: diamonds, gemstones, finished jewelry, mountings, findings, bridal jewelry, tools, supplies and digital solutions.