• French wire is used to protect silk cord from wear when stringing a clasp onto the end of a strand.  Using french wire when attaching the clasp will lengthen the life of the silk cords.
  • French wire or Bullion should be large enough to allow the silk to move through.  Choose the color of the french wire to match the white or yellow color of the clasp.
  • Cut two pieces of French wire coil approx. 3/8" long, one for each end of the cord.
  • French wire crushes easily so take care when touching the small light gauge coils.  Use the beading needle to pick up the french wire piece to be applied to the end of the cord.
  • If the French wire uncoils or is damaged it cannot be used, cut a fresh piece for the application.

1.  With several beads in place strung on the silk cord, add a 3/8" piece of french wire.  Add the clasp body. (Do not use the "hook" portion of the clasp first as it will snag         during stringing).


2.  Thread the beading needle back through the first bead and form the piece of french wire into a curved horseshoe shape.


3.  Knot pearls until determined length of project is achieved. -Keep the "last three" reamed beads unknotted on the strand.


4.  Add the last piece of pre-cut french wire onto the beading needle and thread it down to the last bead.  String the "hook" part of the clasp onto the needle and thread, make     a loop and bring the beading needle back through the first beads hole, make a knot to secure.  Repeat for the other two remaining beads.


5.  Place a small drop of adhesive BeadFix™ onto the three knots to secure them permanently.  Clip off the extra cord tail flush.