Investing in Workshop Safety


Here are protective tools for a toxin-free and safe environment in your shop.

All businesses have very valuable assets. This statement could not be more prevalent in the jewelry industry. Between the metals and the gemstones, there is no doubt that your shop has high-dollar items, but one asset that is invaluable is your staff or yourself. Here at Stuller, we realize this and do everything we can to provide products to ensure that you and your team are protected. Here are a few of the products we offer to do just that.

DualDraw® Downdraft Work Station 


The DualDraw Downdraft Work Station (22-2000:200000:T) is essential for any shop that is casting, polishing, or using any item that emits harmful chemicals in the air. With the patented downdraft design, the fumes are pushed back into the vented surface.

Two key features of this product are the HEPA filter and the particle catcher. The HEPA filter ensures the capture of the harmful chemicals and conforms to OSHA guidelines, and the particle catcher will catch any metal or stone shavings. If you are serious about large output and safety for your employees or yourself, this machine is a must have.

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X-SIL Silica-Free Investment


In addition to the DualDraw unit, X-SIL(22-4799:200000:T) is a new Silica-Free Investment that will also help with the removal of toxins in the shop. It has been developed to cast all non-precious and precious alloys.

By utilizing X-SIL “Respirable Silica Hazard Free” investment powder technology, you are protecting your workforce from potential exposure to harmful respirable silica. Please see the product page for an entire how-to section for mixing the investment. You can also download the Safety Data Sheet for this item.

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We also offer a long list of products including gloves, aprons, glasses, goggles, finger guards, face shields, masks, and respirators that will aid in keeping you and your working environment safe and toxin-free. Please check out these links to get your shop up and running safely while keeping your employees at the forefront of your efforts.

Thanks for reading along. We’re happy to help you provide a healthy and safe shop, now and for years to come. Please contact our tools tech team at 1-800-877-7777, ext. 4300 if you have any questions.