What better way to prepare for the upcoming Friday the 13th than with superstitious tales from some of our industry's oldest members - gemstones!

Asian Folklore

In areas of Southeast Asia, tradition advises against buying or wearing diamonds with deep, black inclusions. Such imperfections may bring bad luck and great misfortune to the wearer and their loved ones.

Interestingly enough, some of the earliest recorded mentions of diamonds come from ancient Indian literature. Diamonds were associated with purity, cleanliness, and tied to the Hindu deity Indra – King of all Gods. The Sanskrit word for diamond is varja, which translates to “thunderbolt.” So it makes sense, that only the most brilliant, radiant diamonds would suffice. Perhaps this ideology has made its way into modern culture since some Southeastern Asian cultures focus more on Clarity than the other 3 C’s.

The Opal Omen

Perhaps the most popular of all jewelry superstitions, many consider opal a talisman for bad luck to all except those born in October. Some say another exception exists for opal received on special occasions. Like pearls, you should never buy opal for yourself. 

Rumor has it that opal earned its bad reputation over a century ago when quality Australian Opal began to threaten diamond commerce. Diamond traders made up falsehoods about opal to make the stone less desirable. Their efforts may have paid off since we still hear about the opal omen to this day.

Non-Intoxicating Amethyst

Ancient Greek mythology tells of amethyst’s powers to hinder intoxication. The Greeks drank from goblets made of amethyst to help them stay sober. Interestingly enough, amethyst translates to amethystus, which means not intoxicated.

One Grecian story explains how Dionysus, god of wine, desired a young mortal named Amethyste. She hoped to remain chaste, so she prayed for protection and was magically transformed into a white slab of quartz. Frustrated and thwarted, Dionysus poured his wine onto the quartz, staining it a deep purple hue. Thus, Amethyst was born!


In New Zealand, green stone (pounamu) nephrite jade must be either gifted to you by an elder (special pieces), or blessed. Otherwise, the wearer will have Maori natives from years past influencing everyday thoughts and bring misfortune.

Do you have thoughts on these superstitious tales? Or accounts of your own? We'd love to hear your thoughts!