In honor of Father’s Day, meet a few of the hardworking dads here at Stuller.

From fathers and uncles to grandfathers and father figures, Father’s Day recognizes the work, contributions, and sacrifices of those we look up to. For more than 50 years, one of the foundational values at Stuller has been — and continues to be — family. In honor of Father’s Day, lets introduce just a few of the dads here at Stuller that happily serve those behind the bench every day and show us what it means to be part of a family-owned business.


Adam Phillips

What do you do here at Stuller?

I currently work in the CAD/CAM Detail Prep division of the Stone Setting department where we fabricate and polish rough-casted pieces to be set and finished.

What is your favorite part about being a dad?

My son, my first and only child, is only 15 months old, so this whole “dad thing” is new to me. But I would have to say my favorite part thus far is when he and I first see each other, whether it be when he wakes up in the morning or after we’ve been separated for a bit. The joy that lights up on his face and the love for me is still hard to believe.

What does it mean to work at a family-owned business?

One thing that is very important to me and where I find a deep sense of meaning is doing things for others and giving back to the community. I believe that a company like Stuller starting, growing, and remaining here in Lafayette is a prime example of that. Stuller makes it a priority to give back and participates in a wealth of outreach programs. That means a lot to me and I’m very proud to work here. 

What advice would you give to any new fathers?

Do not steal from your children by removing their problems.


Michael Bartlett

What do you do here at Stuller?

I am the CAD Design manager. I am lucky to work so closely with so much talent!

What is your favorite part about being a dad?

My favorite part about being a dad is watching my girls develop new skills and conquer their challenges. They are full of determination, discovery, and courage; it is truly inspiring to see them accomplish so much. I LOVE cheering them on in any challenge. 

What does it mean to work at a family-owned business?

This facility is filled with a spark that has transcended the many generations and eras of employees. That spark started in Matt, and his family, and has expanded through his company and the customers it touches. It is a passion for serving — bringing joy to others. Within the walls of this family-owned business is an ever-growing and strengthening family of employees. It does not stop at the bricks that enclose the facility, though. This spark reaches out to our customers and our customers' customers. For me, the highlight of this family-owned business is that the "family" circle continues to grow, spreading its culture and its passion for serving throughout the world.

What advice would you give to any new fathers?

Being a dad is easy. Being a GOOD dad is hard; but the greatest gifts in life tend to require the hardest amount of work. My favorite bible verse is Galatians 6:9, which states "Do not grow weary in well doing, for in due time we shall reap, if we faint not." NO matter how you THINK it is going, put everything you have into your family; and it will return the greatest joy you could wish for.


Julian Heggie

What do you do here at Stuller?

I am the east coast sales director for Gemvision.

What is your favorite part about being a dad?

My favorite part about being a father is seeing my two sons grow up to be good men.

What does it mean to work at a family-owned business?

Here at Stuller, you’re not treated as a number. It’s a personal relationship, one of caring and respect.

What advice would you give to any new fathers?

I suggest teaching your child to take their time and think about any decision they are going to make.


Troy Douet

What do you do here at Stuller? 

I am the Senior Director of Casting Operations and Custom Manufacturing.

What is your favorite part about being a dad?

My favorite part of being a dad is to watch my kids achieve the goals they set for themselves, whether it’s in sports or academics. I am very proud of their accomplishments.

What does it mean to work at a family-owned business? 

I enjoy working for a family-owned business because it feels more personable. IT’s like a small community where everyone knows everyone. Even though we are all different, we pull together as one.

What advice would you give to any new fathers?

My advice to a new father would be to spend as much time with your children when they are young because they grow up so fast. Before you know it, they are grown.


Brett Northcutt

What do you do here at Stuller?

I work in R&D as a Process Engineer specializing in Digital Manufacturing and Stone Setting Efficiencies. I pursue new technologies for 3D printing and materials for advanced digital manufacturing techniques. I utilize this technology to develop new ways of efficiently setting diamonds and gemstones in our manufacturing factories.

What is your favorite part about being a dad? 

I love seeing my 3 boys grow up and excel in their education as well as their sports. All three are excellent soccer players on competition teams. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing your children do well in a sport as well as being humble and team players. I believe these are life lessons that will be used in their adult lives! 

What does it mean to work at a family-owned business? 

I believe that over everything, family comes first. I am confident that I will not miss any benchmark moments in my family’s lives.

What advice would you give to any new fathers? 

Support your kids by being there when they have a significant event. Whether it is a non-important school event or a sporting event, you being there means a great deal to them. You must take the time to do this, not just for your kids’ sake but you will regret missing it down the road.


Paul Arton 

What do you do here at Stuller?

I am a Product Design & Development Sr. CAD Technician. I analyze and process all CounterSketch® Studio 3D CAD Designs through Stuller’s ecosystem.

What is your favorite part about being a dad?

Watching them grow, learn, and laugh. Also being there to walk with them on their best and worst days.

What does it mean to work at a family-owned business? 

Pulling together as a team during rough & busy times.

What advice would you give to any new fathers? 

On those rough days before snapping take a deep breath. Have an open ear and heart for them always. Have faith!


From the entire Stuller team, we wish all of you a Happy Father’s Day!